June 20, 2024
Top 5 Reasons to Dine-in STEAM Indian Restaurant in Auckland
June 20, 2024
Steam Indian Restaurant in Auckland delivers an authentic taste of India with its wide-ranging menu.
True, the mouth watering fare along with its superb ambience is attractive for the Indians who long for a taste of home in an alien land but the takeaway vegetarian food in Auckland
Finding a good eatery is essential when you are touring a new country. Indeed it doubles your pleasure when you come across a 100% vegetarian restaurant in a far flung location as Auckland.
Eating at a restaurant that is cozy and known for delicious dishes is a delightful experience no doubt, but there may come a time when you are impatient to get back home and enjoy a sumptuous meal sans the formality.

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
— Hippocrates
No worries there are a number of take away outlets in NZ particularly Auckland that will fulfill your desire. While this destination has its share of Indian tourists there is only a handful of eateries that can be rightfully termed as a restaurant offering takeaway Indian food.
With a number of Tandoori restaurants along with a few spicy joints and ones offering everything from meat to masala, the one known as STEAM stands apart on its own. Its exemplary cuisine that strictly follows the Indian tradition of cooking vegetarian food according to the age old regulations happens to be an ideal eatery that answers to the description of ‘Indian food near me.’
True, the mouth watering fare along with its superb ambience is attractive for the Indians who long for a taste of home in an alien land but the takeaway vegetarian food in Auckland scenario is surely incomplete without mentioning STEAM, the eatery serving 100% vegetarian fare to its guests.
What makes it tick though as a takeaway joint no less? Check out the details below and you will be forced to agree with 100% Indian tourists at Auckland who simply cannot have enough of its delicious dishes.
The simple to order facility at the STEAM is indeed a pleasure to come when compared with other Indian restaurants in the area.While picking up your favorite snack of hot samosas and a couple of crunchy fries while driving past it happens to be commonplace, ordering over telephone or going online is not unheard of either.
An innovatively designed menu that showcases every delicacy in a simple to understand format also happens to be a plus point of STEAM.
The menu is passed on to every customer who prefers to dine privately at home but the friendly staff at STEAM do not hesitate to offer tips about choosing the best on offer, if you find yourself a trifle overwhelmed. With a portion of the menu card designated to a particular cuisine, the foodies have no difficulty in zeroing on in to the food they love be it Gujarati, Punjabi or Chinese.
STEAM needs to be commended on mastering the technique of serving its guests though. While the customer care executive is helpful in going over the ordered items fastidiously and making sure that every single dish is packed properly, it is also the onus of the staff to add the utilities including disposable cutlery and napkins along with a copy of the take way menu for its customer waiting hungrily for the food.
Food Safety
Being a stickler for hygiene, the STEAM takeaway counters do not linger over the prepared food as the management insists on the food being packed at the right temperature. Keeping the hot and cold foods separate and ensuring that fresh ingredients have been used happen to be a forte of this wonderful restaurant that has no equals in NZ.